The team of the Institute for Applied Museology includes founding members and experts involved in current and future projects. The principles in our work include openness, collegiality and sociability to the initiatives of all generations and structures, constructing the rich versicolored museum spectrum in Bulgaria. There are no chief or executive positions in our team. However, there is a willingness to cooperate with every well – intended professional, possessing the required qualification and motivation to work in a non – bureaucratic and non – hierarchical public structure.
Neyko Genchev (Veliko Turnovo), Vera Boneva (Sofia), Rusko Rusev (Sofia), Gergana Georgieva (Veliko Turnovo), Ralica Geleva (Sofia) , Hristo Yanakov ( Lozen, Haskovo province), Miroslav Odadjiev (Karlovo) – every one of us has his / her own presence on the Internet and could be found and “read trough” more thoroughly both in the social networks and the professional sites. Here we are presented with short summaries, related primarily to the activities of the Institute. The team is subject to enlargement with a tendency of recruiting more young people.
Translation Yordan Georgiev - trainee